Import documents to AlgoDocs from your Email

Hi, Welcome to another video screencast of Algodocs. Today I’ll be showing us how to create inbound email integrations directly in our Algodocs account.

So let’s head over to the integrations page.

I select the inbound email integration.

Now I can create my inbound email integration. Algodocs offers you a customized email and You may ask your vendors & partners to send documents directly to this email address or you may redirect your receiving emails with documents to the above email address and get all attached documents imported to your AlgoDocs account and automatically processed.

the inbound email integration has a few parsing rules which we have to apply for this integration to function properly. They are customizable according to your preferences, operations or use case.

So we have filter type, filter value, saving folder, and extractor.

Now for the filter type we can choose if we want it to be a sender email or an email that contains a certain subject or body.

I’ll be using the “sender email” filter type. for the filter value you have the abilityy to input numerous emails but I will be using one email today.

I need to select a folder where I want the documents to be saved to on my AlgoDocs account

and that will be this folder

I also need to select an extractor that can extract the data from the sent documents.

The inbound email integration is one of the most simple integration you can create on your AlgoDocs account.

I can save.

Next I copy this email address

I create a new email

and I paste my custom AlgoDocs email address here.

I can add a subject, although it is not mandatory.

I attach the document I want to extract data from

and I hit send. with my email sent,

I return to my AlgoDocs account.

just a quick tip, when using the AlgoDocs inbound email integration for extracting data from documents, it takes about 2 to 3 minutes to get your extracted data available after been sent to your customized AlgoDocs email.

Now I head over to my file manager

and I select my folder, I can see the document I sent via my email.

Also in my extracted data page,

I have an extracted data available.

that brings us to the end of this video, now you can create multiple inbound email integrations on your AlgoDocs account. We hope you continue to use the numerous features that AlgoDocs offers, and if you have any questions or require support in creating AlgoDocs integrations, you can always reach out to us, and we will give you a quick response. Thank you and see you in the next video.

I can save and it’s saved. So if I copy this email address I head over to my email I create a new email and I paste this here.

I can you can add a subject.
I attach a file and I send.
I return to my AlgoDocs account.

just a quick tip, when using the AlgoDocs inbound email integration for extracting documents, it take 2-3 mintues to get your extracted data available after been sent to your customized AlgoDocs email.

Now I head over to my file manager and I select my folder, I can see the document. Also in my extracted data page, I have an extracted data available from my preselected extractor.

that brings us to the end of this video, I hope you see that it’s quite easy for us to create inbound email integration on your AlgoDocs account. We hope you continue to use the numerous features that AlgoDocs offers and remember if you have any requests or you require support in creating extractors you can always contact us at and we will give you a quick response. Thank you see you in the next video.