How to extract numerical data (amounts, totals, etc.) from a document?

Extracting numerical data is just as extracting text or other data except that you select a ‘Number‘ as the data field type. However, keep in mind that if you already selected let’s say ‘Text‘ as the data field type and progressed with extracting rule by adding filters, then you can also apply a number filter by clicking on ‘Add Filter‘ ‘Find …‘ ‘Find numbers‘.

Find numbers‘ filter searches for valid numbers in the document and outputs only found valid numbers.

The following are sample valid numbers:

  • 1,456.00
  • 5555
  • $ 2,546.00

The following are sample invalid numbers and will not be captured by ‘Find numbers‘ filter:

  • 4564-231-2121
  • 18%
  • 8/11/2020

Find numbers‘ filter offers a culture for number formats. Moreover, you can search for integers only, floating numbers only or all. Sometimes you might need to specify the range, so you can specify a range so that numbers are searched only in the specified range. Moreover, you can apply ‘Format numbers’ which, for example, removes currency symbols, etc.